Training Drills


3-2-1 Drill

Range: 5yd
Start Position: Holstered with three rounds in the pistol
Rounds Fired: 6

Shooter begins the drill with three rounds in the gun. Using a shot timer, give yourself a seven second PAR time. On the buzzer, draw and fire six rounds as follows:

  • One round at the 1″ square

  • Two rounds at the 2″ circle

  • Perform a reload

  • Three rounds at the 3×5 rectangle


Dot Torture Drill

This is a great marksmanship drill.

Start at 3 yards. You have to get all 50 hits to pass. Once you can shoot the whole drill without a single miss, either increase the distance or add time pressure. For instance, try to finish the entire drill in under 5 minutes while maintaining 100% accuracy.

  • Dot 1 – Draw and fire one string of 5 rounds for best group. One hole if possible, total 5 rounds.

  • Dot 2 – Draw and fire 1 shot, holster and repeat X4, total 5 rounds.

  • Dots 3 & 4 – Draw and fire 1 shot on #3, then 1 shot on #4, holster and repeat X3, total 8 rounds.

  • Dot 5 – Draw and fire string of 5 rounds, strong hand only, total 5 rounds.

  • Dots 6 & 7 – Draw and fire 2 shots on #6, then 2 on #7, holster, repeat X4, total 16 rounds.

  • Dot 8 – From ready or retention, fire five shots, weak hand only, total 5 rounds.

  • Dots 9 & 10 – Draw and fire 1 shot on #9, speed reload, fire 1 shot on #10, holster and repeat X3, total 6 rounds


4567 Drill

Range: 7yd
Target: 6″ circle
Start position: Varies, see below
Rounds Fired: 20 rounds

The drill is run four times, five rounds each, on a six inch circle, at seven yards. A shot timer is used to begin each string of fire. The four strings of fire are:

  1. draw and fire 5 rounds from concealment, two-handed

  2. draw and fire 5 rounds from concealment, strong hand only

  3. from the ready position fire 5 rounds, weak hand only

  4. draw and fire 5 rounds from concealment, two-handed (repeat of string 1)

For any shot outside of the 6″ circle, add 1 second to your time. Total the times (and penalties) for all four strings to determine your overall score:

  • Basic score total time with penalties is 4+5+6+7 = 22 seconds

  • Intermediate is 5+6+7 seconds = 18 seconds

  • Advanced is 6+7 = 13 seconds


El Presidente Drill

Range: 10yd
Target: 3 IPSC targets spaced 1yd from each other shoulder to shoulder
Start position: Back to targets, hands above shoulders (“surrender position”), pistol concealed
Rounds Fired: 12

At the start signal, turn, then draw and fire two rounds at each of the three targets. Perform a reload, then fire two rounds at each target again. There should be four hits on each target for a total of twelve.

The classic standard was to perform the drill in under ten seconds with all A-zone hits. Any run with less than 12 A-zone hits was a failure.

There have been many variations of this drill, including the “Vice-Presidente” which begins with the shooter facing the targets and which is usually performed at 7yd instead of 10yd distance